
(1 customer review)


Category: Injectable Steroids
Substance: Trenbolone hexahydrobenzylcarbonate
Package: 5×1.5ml ampoules (75mg/1.5ml)
Manufacturer: Alpha Pharma


Parabolin is a steroid of androgenic and anabolic action containing the active substance Trenbolone Hexahydrobenzylcarbonate (also known as Parabolan) and is manufactured by Alpha Pharma.

Parabolan is one of the most potent anabolic steroids and therefore is not recommended for beginners and first time AAS users. The anabolic activity of Parabolan is five times stronger compared to testosterone, therefore it is used by those who want to see quick results and don’t mind the “side effects”. This product contains a long ester, which is the reason for its prolonged action. Parabolan is often a popular choice because it doesn’t aromatize.

Effects of Parabolan

Use of Parabolin provides the following effects:

  • An increase in muscle mass (up to 10kg in an 8-week cycle).
  • Increased strength.
  • Possible increase in libido, however, the opposite effect may be observed (or this effect may not occur at all).
  • Increases the level of insulin-like growth factor by 200%.
  • Contributes to the burning of fat, both independently and by stimulating the secretion of growth hormone.
  • Reduces cortisol levels.

Parabolan cycle and dosage

Parabolan has a long half-life, therefore frequent injections are not required when using this drug. One injection every 8-10 days is sufficient in order to achieve the desired results. We recommend starting with a Parabolan dosage of 150-300mg per week to assess your body’s reaction.

When running a solo Parabolan cycle, the recommended length of the cycle is 5 weeks. However, it is strongly advised to use testosterone as the base to cycle. In this case, Parabolan can be used for cycles lasting 10-16 weeks long.

Parabolin can significantly inhibit the production of natural testosterone, therefore it is advised to start taking Gonadotropin or Cabergoline from the 2nd week. The best choice for PCT is Clomiphene. Tamoxifen should not be used for this purpose as it intensifies progestin effects.

Side effects of Parabolan

Side effects of Parabolan can be androgenic or progestogenic ones.

Possible side effects include:

  • Strong suppression of testosterone synthesis.
  • Increased libido or sluggish erection (Tren-dick).
  • Testicular atrophy.
  • Gynecomastia
  • Acne
  • Greasiness of the skin.
  • Baldness (androgen-related).
  • Increased aggression (which is perceived by many athletes extremely positively), and other abnormalities.

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1 review for Parabolin

    Jude Hedley
    The tren lovers dream right here. use hex for all my lean gain cycles now. found that the hex works much better than the shorter esters and also the 76.5 per ml is not the strongest as was using 100 per mil before, but for some reason alphas version is much more effective. think the solutions are better dosed maybe. does some awesome brands but if your looking for tren hex, parabolin is the best substance by a mile!
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