Proviron by Dragon Pharma is an orally administered drug containing the substance Mesterolone (1-methyl dihydrotestosterone). Mesterolone is a powerful androgenic steroid with a weak level of anabolic activity because, like dihydrotestosterone, Mesterolone is rapidly reduced in muscle tissue to inactive diol metabolites, where the concentration of the enzyme 3-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase is quite high.
Effects of Proviron
Although some believe that the weak anabolic nature of this compound causes blockage of androgen receptors in muscle tissues, thereby reducing the benefits of other steroids that are more powerful for muscle building, the truth is that, due to its extremely high affinity for plasma proteins, such as SHBG, Mesterolone can actually affect the activity of other steroids converting a higher percentage of them to a free unbound form.
Mesterolone is mainly used by athletes who want to increase androgen levels during diets or before competitions, and as an anti-oestrogen due to its ability to counteract aromatase enzymes. Mesterolone is effective in increasing the ratio of testosterone to oestrogen, which leads to increased muscle hardness and density, maintained libido, general sense of well-being, and increased fat burning tendencies. It is also commonly used to prevent gynecomastia, while other aromatizing steroids are often used in combination with 10 – 20mg of Nolvadex per day.
Proviron cycle
Mesterolone is generally used by bodybuilders who want to lower oestrogen and increase androgen levels during drying periods or when preparing for a competition.
The usual dosage for male athletes is 50-150mg of Mesterolone per day, or 2 – 6 tablets of 25mg. The drug is commonly taken in cycles of 6-12 weeks, which is enough to see results.
Side effects of Proviron
Mesterolone does not aromatize in the body and does not show noticeable oestrogenic activity. The use of anti-oestrogens is not important when using this steroid, as the drug does not cause gynecomastia, water retention, or other oestrogen-related side effects. Mesterolone acts as an anti-aromatase in the body, preventing or slowing down the conversion of steroids to oestrogens.
Mesterolone is classified as an androgenic steroid. Androgenic side effects with this substance are quite common and can include:
- Oily skin.
- Body or facial hair growth.
- Anabolic-androgenic steroids can also exacerbate male pattern baldness.
- Women should be aware of the potential virilization effects of anabolic-androgenic steroids such as: deepening of the voice, menstrual irregularities, changes in skin texture, facial hair growth, and enlarged clitoris
Mesterolone is not a 17-alpha alkaline compound and produces no known hepatotoxic effects so hepatic toxicity is unlikely.
Mesterolone has very little suppressive effect on gonadotropins and testosterone. Studies show that when administered at moderate doses (150mg or less per day), there is no significant suppression of testosterone levels. In studies, at higher doses (300mg per day or higher), the agent is able to strongly suppress testosterone.
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