

Category: Injectable Steroids
Substance: Testosterone cypionate
Package: 10 ampoules (250mg/ml)
Manufacturer: Maxtreme


Testo-Cypmax is a testosterone cypionate version created by the pharmaceutical brand Maxtreme. With a 12 to 14 day half-life, this injectable solution is chemically identical to the natural testosterone that men produce. This hormone is responsible for the characteristics that make men masculine, such as a deeper voice, body hair, sex drive and so on. The anabolic receptors in the body are addressed by this chemical, which causes more nitrogen to be stored in muscle tissue and accelerates protein synthesis.

Effects of Testosterone

Some of the most positive effects on athletes are the decrease in joint pain due to excess fluid in the joints, the increase in red blood cells for improved oxygenation of the muscles, and improved tissue tropism. Because of these benefits, the athlete can train more frequently and with greater intensity. In addition, appetite is increased and fatigue after exercise decreases.

Although 25-30% of muscle mass gained in a cycle is due to water retention, this disappears again once the cycle is over and lean muscle remains. The reason for this water retention is due to the conversion to estrogens. This can be reduced by PCT once the cycle is over.

A Testosterone Cypionate cycle

Testosterone Cypionate is injected only once a week at a dosage of 250-500mg. Any dosage over 800mg does not further improve the results, but only increases the risks of side effects. One cycle usually lasts 6-12 weeks, depending on how experienced the athlete is with steroids.

Testosterone cypionate is usually combined with other drugs during a cycle for optimal results. Some of the most effective drug combinations for a mass building phase are with methandrostenolone or nandrolone decanoate.

If definition is the goal of the athlete, then the best combination is with testosterone. It helps to get rid of excess water and maintain tight and firm muscles. In this case, an estrogen inhibitor is needed, and stanozolol is one of the most commonly used steroids for this purpose. Thus, PCT is no longer necessary at the end of the cycle.

Side effects of Test Cypionate

At the end of the cycle, withdrawal symptoms may occur, so the athlete must perform PCT (post-cycle therapy) with anti-estrogens such as Clomid or Tamoxifen one week after the end of the cycle. Thus, the body’s natural testosterone level is restored and side effects such as testicular atrophy, gynecomastia or low sex drive are prevented.

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