

Category: Injectable Steroids
Substance: Trenbolone acetate
Package: 10ml vial (100mg/ml)
Manufacturer: Alpha Pharma


Trenbolone Acetate (“Tren A” to athletes) is one of the most powerful anabolic steroids. Initially, like many other drugs, it was developed for veterinary purposes. However, in humans, it is used to build up quality muscle mass and develop a huge amount of strength. In addition to its powerful effect on the body as an anabolic, Tren A also lowers the level of cortisol in the body and burns subcutaneous fat.

Acetate is the most popular form of Trenbolone (there’s also Tren Enanthate, Tren Hex and Tri Tren), it greatly increases appetite, multiplies strength by several times and grows muscle mass.

Effects of taking Tren A

  • Significant increase in muscle mass.
  • Increased strength.
  • Decreased cortisol level.
  • An increase in the level of insulin-like growth factor is two-fold.
  • Strengthening of sexual desire on the course.
  • Stimulation of the secretion of growth hormone.
  • Reduction of fatty deposits.


Usually, Trenbolone Acetate is used in a dosage of 50mg or 100mg every other day. The course duration should not exceed 4 weeks.

A combination with Winstrol helps to achieve more intense muscle drying and does not require the use of anti-oestrogenic drugs. In any case, the reception should start with minimal doses and increase them gradually, following the reaction of the body. If there are negative consequences, the drug can then be cancelled without risk to health.

Contraindications and side effects

It is not recommended for teenagers and female athletes to take Trenbolone, because of the high risk of virilization. In addition, it has contraindications in the form of breast cancer and sensitivity to components in the composition. When dosages are exceeded, there are manifestations in the form of excessive aggressiveness, increased blood pressure, an excess production of sebum and acne.

In rare cases, the drug can reduce the production of testosterone, which, in turn, leads to problems in the genitourinary system. In general, it is recommended to choose other steroids (the anabolic effects of which are less pronounced than Trenbolone) in the beginner’s stage of running a cycle for muscle mass gaining.

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