Winstrol 50 (oral)

(3 customer reviews)


Category: Oral Steroids
Substance: Stanozolol oral (Winstrol)
Package: 50mg (100 pills)
Manufacturer: Dragon Pharma


If a plateau effect is seen, which is a standstill in muscle growth or in strength indicators, or if there is insufficient muscle growth, then anabolic steroids and other drugs are frequently used in this situation.

Winstrol 50, which is based on Stanozolol and one of the most popular alternatives at the present, enables the athlete to increase lean muscle mass, enhance aerobic performance, or lose additional weight depending on the athlete’s needs.

Effects of Winstrol oral

The product from this well-known brand contains Stanozolol, which has an immediate impact on the body in a number of ways.

  • Muscle fibres grow considerably stronger and harder and there is a qualitative gain in mass. Excess fluid is not retained in the body.
  • The process of actively burning fat begins, though it will progress more quickly if you follow a diet low in calories and high in complex carbs.
  • Significant and dramatic increases in strength and endurance.

The fact that this steroid has three times the anabolic indications of testosterone and far weaker androgenic effects should also be noted.

It is best to only buy authentic, original products and it is advised to do so by working with reputable, dependable suppliers.

Winstrol oral cycle

Between 50 and 100 mg should be the maximum dosage daily. The precise amount is determined separately for each person, considering the level of training the athlete is currently at, the goals they have set, as well as the intensity of their training regimen.

The recommended daily dose for women is between 5 and 10 mg.

The length of the cycle should not exceed eight weeks.

If the agent is used without additional drugs like testosterone, then this is not necessary. However, if a cycle is combined, it is important to go through PCT and take anti-estrogens as well if you choose winstrol online. You should pay attention to Methane, Turinabol or Testosterone as well as Trenbolone while considering the combination of substances.

You must maintain a strict diet and sleep schedule in addition to taking sports nutritional supplements and engaging in rigorous exercise to get the most out of this application, as the essential and desired benefits will not be produced by injections alone.

Side effects of Winstrol oral

It is important to note the poor aromatization rates right away, along with the liver toxicity and other drawbacks of ingestion. First and foremost, there is an increase in blood pressure and cholesterol levels. Though acne doesn’t happen very often, it can cause the joints and ligaments to dry out and pain if it’s present in large amounts.

The drug is used by both men and women, regardless of exercise level, because these side effects are modest and do not occur frequently.

It is important to realise that the rapid removal of extra fluid from the body necessitates a more attentive approach to training because there is a chance of tearing a ligament or injuring a joint. This can be prevented by taking additional supplements that help and increase the synovial fluid in these vital areas.

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3 reviews for Winstrol 50 (oral)

    Pedro Haynes
    I am currently using Oral Winstrol at 50 mg from dragon pharma daily before workout. I never thought that my strength gains will be off the roof! Using TUDCA at 450 mg as well for liver protection.
    Winston Klein
    I am inlove with this winstrol from Dragon Pharma! It dries out my joint, yes, but I run NPP with it so no harm done. My favorite stack will be test/npp/winny. Tried using Dbol in the past but I did not like that as it made me look like a pufferfish.
    Laverne Palmer
    I am wondering why oral winstrol is very underrated! I've been using this for 10 years and I personally think that this is good in both cutting and bulking. This is the real deal! Will tell my people about this! Great job Dragon!
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